Cloud-based SIEM as a service vs traditional SIEM as a service

May 25, 2022


When it comes to Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions, two options come to mind - traditional SIEM and cloud-based SIEM. While traditional SIEM offers the standard approach of managing security information, cloud-based SIEM offers a more modern solution. But which one is better? Today, we will compare both solutions and see which one offers the better and more cost-effective option.

Traditional SIEM as a Service

Traditional SIEM solutions have been around for a while and offer a wealth of features. They provide real-time monitoring, incident management, and analytics features, which are mission-critical to identify and respond to security issues. However, these solutions suffer from the following drawbacks:

  • High Cost: Traditional SIEM solutions typically come with a high upfront cost, which can be a significant disadvantage for smaller organizations.
  • Complex Implementation and Maintenance: Traditional SIEM solutions require significant time and technical resources to implement and maintain.
  • Limited Scalability: Traditional SIEM solutions do not offer the flexibility of cloud-based solutions, which can make scaling the solution to fit a growing organization's needs more challenging.

Cloud-based SIEM as a Service

Cloud-based SIEM solutions are becoming more popular as they offer a more modern solution. They provide the same features as traditional SIEM solutions, but with the added benefits of being a cloud-based solution. Cloud-based SIEM has the following advantages:

  • Lower Cost: Cloud-based SIEM solutions are more cost-effective than traditional solutions as they come with a lower initial investment.
  • Easier Implementation and Maintenance: Cloud-based SIEM solutions are easier to set up and maintain than traditional solutions.
  • Scalability: Cloud-based SIEM solutions offer more scalability, allowing organizations to quickly increase or decrease capacity based on their needs.


Features Traditional SIEM Cloud-based SIEM
Security Monitoring Yes Yes
Real-Time Alerts Yes Yes
Automated Response Yes Yes
Incident Management Yes Yes
Scalability Limited High
Implementation and Maintenance Complex Easy
Cost High Low


Both traditional SIEM and cloud-based SIEM solutions offer essential security features to protect an organization's assets. However, cloud-based SIEM solutions offer a lower cost, easier implementation, and maintenance, and a higher degree of scalability, making them a more cost-effective option for organizations with limited resources.


  1. Lusk, Tim. (2019). The Differences Between Cloud and On-Premises SIEM. Infosecurity Magazine.
  2. Kolotev, Alex. (2021). A Comparison between Cloud and Traditional SIEM. CloudQuest.

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